About Our Department

The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science offers undergraduate degrees in Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Computer Science, Mathematics Teaching, and Statistics and Operations Research. These programs have a vigorous mathematical core, are multidisciplinary in scope, and provide our students with a wide variety of career opportunities upon graduation. Our graduates pursue careers in business, industry or government, and education ranging from elementary to research university teaching.

The Department belongs to the American Mathematical Society's Group I, consisting of leading research mathematics departments in the country. There are over 60 faculty and post-doctoral fellows. MSCS faculty hold degrees from prestigious institutions around the world, and their research interests cover a broad range of areas in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and mathematics education.

We celebrate a rich tradition of diversity in the MSCS Department and in the overall UIC community. Our students come from all socio-economic backgrounds, all regions of the United States and the world, and their native languages span the globe.

The University of Illinois is a comprehensive public university located near the heart of downtown Chicago. It is the largest institution of higher learning in Chicago, and it is grouped in the top one hundred research universities in the United States. UIC's threefold mission of teaching, research, and public service is shaped by and relevant to its metropolitan setting as well as the University of Illinois' traditional pursuit of excellence.

The University Library houses more than 1.5 million volumes and specialized collections. The Mathematics Library has more than 20,000 volumes and maintains more than 240 journals. Students have access to library resources of nearby institutions and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

We welcome you to explore our web site, and especially the multitude of links in it, to discover our department, our campus, and our city.

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