Spring 2014

MATH 300 - Writing for Mathematics

Wednesday, 2:00 - 2:50 AM, Taft Hall 301

Gabe Conant, instructor
Office: 723 SEO
Office Hours: TBD
email: gconan2@uic.edu

This is a "pair o' docs".
Much of the information here can also be found in the course syllabus.

The purpose of this course is to develop techniques and skills for writing in the mathematical sciences. This will include three main objectives:
  1. writing proofs,
  2. writing expository essays on mathematical topics,
  3. combining exposition and proofs to produce math research papers.
Although you will not be expected to produce your own research in this class, you will have assignments for which the writing style should mimic such work.


20% of your final grade will come from class participation. The remaining 80% will be based on your coursework.

Class Participation

Attendance will be taken during each class. Much of our class time will consist of discussing and evaluating fellow students' work. Your participation in this discussion will be noted and used to calculate your final grade.

Turning in Work

  1. All assignments must be done in LaTeX, which is a mathematical typesetting program. It is each student's responsibility to learn how to install and use LaTeX on a computer of their choosing. See below for more info.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due on Wednesday at 8 AM and turned in via e-mail. Late assignments will be given half credit.
  3. You must attach both the .tex file and the compiled .pdf file.
  4. Send your assignments to the following e-mail: math300wed@gmail.com. This e-mail should be used only for turning in assignments. For anything else, use my UIC e-mail above.


All assignments are due at 8AM on the date specified.

Class Handouts

These handouts consist of notes and comments we will discuss in class. If you miss the class, the notes in the handouts may be unclear. You are encouraged to email me if you have questions.

Writing Center

The English department runs a writing center, making an appointment is suggested. The website is here.

Math Learning Center

Located in 430 SEO. Tutoring is usually available for lower-level courses such as calculus, but you should be able to find help with basic proofs as well.

LaTeX Info

Installation: PC or Mac. Once you have LaTeX installed you are free to use your own file format. Or you can use this template (right-click and select 'Save link as...').

Other Stuff