Plenary Speaker Profile (2001)
Norman G. Lederman
President-Elect, National Association for Research in Science Teaching; Director, Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education; Editor, School Science & Mathematics; Professor of Science Education
Oregon State University
The State of Science Education: Subject Matter Without Context

The focus of this talk will be on the importance of understandings of the nature of science and scientific inquiry to an understanding of "traditional" scientific content. The argument will be made that without an adequate understanding of the source and epistemology of scientific knowledge students' science achievement is compromised.

Norman G. Lederman is currently Professor of Science and Mathematics Education and Director of the Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education at Oregon State University. He has taught the full range of courses (Masters and Doctoral) in secondary science education. Lederman's research and scholarship focus primarily on the development of students' and teachers' conceptions of the nature of science and scientific inquiry. A related area of research interest has included preservice and inservice teachers' knowledge structures of subject matter and pedagogy, pedagogical content knowledge, and teachers' concerns and beliefs. His publications span research and teacher oriented journals including, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Journal of Science Teacher Education, Science and Education, Science Education, School Science and Mathematics, The Science Teacher, The Oregon Science Teacher, NARST Monograph: Research Matters to the Science Teacher, and AETS Yearbooks on pedagogical content knowledge and nature of science. In addition, he is a consistent presenter at the National Meetings of AERA, AETS, NARST, and NSTA.