Plenary Speaker Profile (2001)
Tami S. Martin
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Illinois State University
Findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study: Questions for Consideration

The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) was the most comprehensive international study of schools and students ever conducted. During the 1995 school year, the mathematics and science achievement of students from 41 countries was assessed at three different grade levels (fourth, eighth, and final year of secondary school). In addition to student achievement, TIMSS researchers also conducted a videotape study of eighth grade mathematics teaching in Japan, Germany, and the United States, as well as an analysis of textbooks and curriculum frameworks from about 50 countries.

I will describe the three major components of TIMSS and the major findings from each component of the study. I will present more detailed information about the mathematics and science achievement results at the eighth and twelfth grade levels, and provide references for further information. Finally, I will identify some of the challenges college and university educators face in the wake of the TIMSS study and pose several questions for consideration.

Tami S. Martin is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Illinois State University. Her interests include students' understanding of geometric proof and secondary teacher development. She is currently a Co-Principal Investigator (along with Sharon Soucy McCrone) for a three-year, NSF-funded research project entitled, An Investigation of Pedagogical Factors Influencing Students' Understanding of Geometric Proof. Recent publications include, Calculus Students' Ability to Solve Geometric Related-Rates Problems and Performance-Based Assessment of Secondary Mathematics Student Teachers (co-authored with Roger Day). She is also co-authoring a book chapter with John Dossey and Chancey O. Jones focused on an analysis of TIMSS (Third International Mathematics and Science Study) data. This chapter will be entitled "Using Viking-Codes for Analyzing Student Constructed Responses in Mathematics."