Plenary Speaker Profile (2007)
Kathryn B. Chval
Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Missouri Center for Mathematics and Science Teacher Education
University of Missouri-Columbia
Researching K-16 Mathematics Classrooms: Considerations and Challenges to Conducting Classroom-Based Research

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) elevates the importance of educational research and thereby provides opportunities for mathematics education researchers in its support for and funding of rigorous research studies and its requirement of effective, research-based practices. At the same time, by demanding more of overburdened teachers and administrators, NCLB may exacerbate a long-standing gulf between educational research and practice. In this session, Dr. Chval will discuss her recent experiences with conducting school-based and university-based research to illustrate how educational research can be impeded by the added demands of NCLB and other factors in the current climate. In addition, Dr. Chval will encourage researchers and practitioners to work together to capitalize on NCLB's increased emphasis on educational research to create a systematic approach to bridging the research-practice gulf.

Dr. Chval is also a Co-Principal Investigator for the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum and the Researching Science and Mathematics Teacher Learning in Alternative Certification Models Project which are both funded by the National Science Foundation. Prior to joining University of Missouri, Dr. Chval was the Acting Section Head for the Teacher Professional Continuum Program in the Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Science Division at the National Science Foundation. She also spent fourteen years at the University of Illinois at Chicago directing NSF-funded projects including the Maneuvers with Mathematics Curriculum Development Project, the All Learn Mathematics Project, the America Counts Project and the America Counts Research Study. In addition, she has conducted research and developed models focusing on: preparing teachers of mathematics; effective uses of calculators; enhancing support structures for retaining undergraduates; reforming university remedial mathematics courses; and creating an alternative certification program for middle-school mathematics teachers. Dr. Chval's professional experience also includes teaching third grade as well as mathematics to sixth grade gifted students.

Dr. Chval's research interests include effective methods of teaching mathematics, teaching mathematics to English Language Learners, and preparing and supporting teachers of mathematics.