Plenary Speaker Profile (2006)
Robert L. Kuczkowski
Program Office, Special Projects and Instrumentation, Division of Chemistry
National Science Foundation
New Vistas in Undergraduate Research: Partnerships with the National Science Foundation

Robert L. Kuczkowski, National Science Foundation (presenter), and Arthur B. Ellis, National Science Foundation

The growth of interdisciplinary research and the emergence of cyber tools are providing new paradigms in undergraduate research. These developments offer the potential to reach a far broader cross-section of college students at an earlier stage of their college careers. Examples of National Science Foundation-supported programs and projects will be presented for discussion.

Robert L. Kuczkowski has been responsible for programs in the Chemistry Division at NSF promoting the integration of research and education such as Research Experiences for Undergraduates and Undergraduate Research Collaboratives/Centers. He was chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Michigan in1991-97, and in 2004-05. Kuczkowski is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He received his B.S. degree from Canisius College and a PhD. Degree in chemistry from Harvard University.