Plenary Speaker Profile (2004)
Peter Facione
Loyola University Chicago
Teaching About Thinking

What do we know about students' critical thinking skills and dispositions? As teachers, how might we teach not only students, but parents, administrators, and education policy makers more about critical thinking, what it is and why it counts? Engaging videos, slides, and open Q&A provide the format for the post-prandial conversation.

Peter Facione became the Provost of Loyola University Chicago in July 2002. He is a board member of the American Association of College's and University's Project on Health and Higher Education. In 2000 he served as a member of the American Council of Education's President's Task Force on Teacher Education. In 1999 he was the national president of the American Conference of Academic Deans. Since 1986 he has been a Senior Research Associate and the CEO of the California Academic Press LLC. Facione's research interests are in cognitive heuristics and building thinking leadership teams, and he is nationally and internationally known for his work on the definition and measurement of those skills and habits of mind that are at the fore of human decision making and professional judgment, what academics often call critical thinking. He has been a consultant on his work on decision-making, critical thinking, and collaborative leadership for the US Government, Los Alamos National Labs, several state education agencies, private industry, and professional associations. Among his research publications are California Critical Thinking Skills Test, the California Thinking Disposition Inventory, the Test of Everyday Reasoning, the California Measure of Mental Motivation, the Professional Judgment Rating Form, and the California Reasoning Appraisal.