Plenary Speaker Profile (2003)
Marvin Druger
Professor of Biology and Chair of the Department of Science Teaching
Syracuse University
Teaching the Introductory College Science Course: Challenges, Issues and Perspectives

Introductory college science courses serve as the foundation for science majors and also serve as a requirement for non-science majors. These courses usually enroll hundreds of students, and pose unique teaching challenges. What should be the objectives for such courses? How can the objectives be achieved? Who should teach the introductory science courses? Should we have separate courses for potential science majors and non-majors? These and other relevant issues will be discussed in this presentation.

Marvin Druger is Professor of Biology and Chair of the Department of Science Teaching at Syracuse University. He is former President of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS), and current President of the Society for College Science Teaching (SCST). In addition to his numerous publications on quality science teaching, Druger has received, among other awards, the Robert H. Carleton Award for National Leadership in Science Education, the NSTA Distinguished Service Award, and the Gustav Ohaus Award for Innovations in College Science Teaching. He is most proud of having taught the Introductory Biology sequence at Syracuse University for the past 40 years, estimating that he has touched the lives of more than 60,000 college students.