Plenary Speaker Profile (2014)
Richard S. Moog
Professor of Chemistry
Franklin & Marshall College
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL): A Student-Centered Approach to Science and Math Instruction

POGIL is a student-centered, group learning approach to instruction that is based on research on how students learn best. In a POGIL learning environment, students work in small, self-managed teams using specially designed materials (typically based on a learning cycle) that enable them to develop and reinforce course content and concepts. The POGIL approach also places an emphasis on the intentional development of important process skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. The POGIL approach has been used successfully in a wide range of math and science courses at both the secondary and post-secondary levels, and in a wide range of institutional settings. In general, this approach has been observed to lead to enhanced overall content mastery and retention.

This presentation will include a brief introduction to the underlying principles and philosophy of POGIL, including an experience as a learner in a POGIL classroom. Student outcomes from a variety of institutional settings will also be presented.

Click here to see a pdf containing slides of this presentation.

Rick Moog has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Stanford University and a B.A in chemistry from Williams College. He is currently Professor of Chemistry at Franklin & Marshall College and is the Project Director for The POGIL Project.

Rick has been using a guided inquiry approach to teaching chemistry since 1994, and is the coauthor of POGIL materials for general chemistry and physical chemistry. In addition, he has developed guided inquiry experiments for use in the general chemistry laboratory. Has has organized numerous symposia at national ACS and BCCE meetings concerning POGIL (and active learning more generally) throughout the chemistry curriculum, and has given dozens of presentations, posters, and workshops on POGIL. He is also coauthor of several journal articles and book chapters concerning POGIL, and the coeditor of the ACS Symposium Series volume: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning.