view from on high
Photo by NASA.
Close-up not available.

Howard Chen

Teaching Assistant
Phone: 312-996-3041 (main office)
Office Hours: Tuesday 11AM-1PM

Teaching Schedule:

MATH 210 R 10:00AM-10:50AM 307 SH
MATH 210 R 11:00AM-11:50AM 316 TH
MATH 210 R 1:00PM-1:50PM 307 SH
MATH 210 R 2:00PM-2:50PM 311 SH
MATH 210 R 4:00PM-4:50PM 203 SH
MATH 210 R 5:00PM-5:50PM 308 SH

Research Interests:

Parallel computation and GPU programming in the context of game design and animation
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