Publications of Emily Dumas

NOTE.  The actual publication list for David Dumas can be found here.  This automatically generated publication list is out of date and should not be used.  9999.
Young-Eun Choi, David Dumas and Kasra Rafi.  Grafting rays fellow travel Teichmüller geodesics.  Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 11:2445--2492, 2012. MR2926987
David Dumas.  Complex projective structures.  In Handbook of Teichmüller theory. Vol. II, pages 455--508.  Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2009. MR2497780
David Dumas and Richard P. Kent, IV.  Bers slices are Zariski dense.  J. Topol., 2(2):373--379, 2009. MR2529301
David Dumas and Richard P. Kent, IV.  Slicing, skinning, and grafting.  Amer. J. Math., 131(5):1419--1429, 2009. MR2559859
David Dumas and Michael Wolf.  Projective structures, grafting and measured laminations.  Geom. Topol., 12(1):351--386, 2008. MR2390348
Martin Bridgeman and David Dumas.  Distribution of intersection lengths of a random geodesic with a geodesic lamination.  Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 27(4):1055--1072, 2007. MR2342965
David Dumas.  The Schwarzian derivative and measured laminations on Riemann surfaces.  Duke Math. J., 140(2):203--243, 2007. MR2359819
David Dumas.  Grafting, pruning, and the antipodal map on measured laminations.  J. Differential Geom., 74(1):93--118, 2006. MR2260929
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