Publications of David Tartakoff
Gevrey hypoellipticity for sums of squares with a non-homogeneous degeneracy.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
142(4):1315--1320, 2014.
Hypoellipticity and nonhypoellipticity for sums of squares of complex vector fields.
Anal. PDE,
6(2):371--445, 2013.
Nonelliptic partial differential equations, volume 22 of Developments in Mathematics.
Springer, New York, 2011.
Gevrey hypoellipticity for non-subelliptic operators.
Pure Appl. Math. Q.,
6(3, Special Issue: In honor of Joseph J. Kohn. Part 1):663--675, 2010.
Gevrey hypoellipticity for an interesting variant of Kohn's operator.
In Complex analysis,
pages 51--73. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2010.
Analytic hypoellipticity for a sum of squares of vector fields in $\mathbb R^3$ whose Poisson stratification consists of a single symplectic stratum of codimension four.
In Advances in phase space analysis of partial differential equations,
pages 253--261. Birkhäuser Boston Inc., Boston, MA, 2009.
Analytic hypoellipticity at non-symplectic Poisson-Treves strata for certain sums of squares of vector fields.
J. Geom. Anal.,
18(4):1002--1021, 2008.
Local analyticity and nonlinear vector fields.
In Hyperbolic problems and regularity questions,
pages 207--215. Birkhäuser, Basel, 2007.
Analytic hypoellipticity in the presence of lower order terms.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
32(10-12):1759--1790, 2007.
Local analyticity and non-linear vector fields.
In Congresso pde,
pages --. Birkhäuser, 2007.
Local analyticity for sums of squares of quasi linear vector fields on the heisenberg group.
In Congresso pde,
pages --. Birkhäuser, 2007.
Analytic hypoellipticity in the presence of nonsymplectic characteristic points.
J. Funct. Anal.,
234(2):464--472, 2006.
Analyticity for singular sums of squares of degenerate vector fields.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
134(11):3343--3352 (electronic), 2006.
An elementary proof of Fedi\u\i's theorem and extensions.
In Phase space analysis of partial differential equations,
pages 287--290. Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2006.
Sums of squares of complex vector fields and (Analytic-) hypoellipticity.
Math. Res. Lett.,
13(5-6):683--701, 2006.
Analytic hypoellipticity in the presence of lower order terms.
Analytic hypoellipticity in the presence of non-symplectic characteristic points.
Journal of Functional Analysis,
234:464--472, 2006.
Global analytic hypoellipticity for a class of quasilinear sums of squares of vector fields.
In Geometric analysis of PDE and several complex variables,
pages 177--200. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2005.
Local real analyticity of solutions for sums of squares of non-linear vector fields.
J. Differential Equations,
213(2):341--351, 2005.
Hypoellipticity and loss of derivatives.
Ann. of Math. (2),
162(2):943--986, 2005.
Analytic hypoellipticity for a class of sums of squares of vector fields with non-symplectic characteristic variety.
In Lecture notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica. Vol. IV,
pages 79--85. S.I.M. Dep. Mat. Univ. Basilicata, Potenza, 2005.
Hypoellipticity (Analyticity) and loss of derivatives.
Annals of Mathematics,
162:943--986, 2005.
Analytic hypoellipticity for $\square_ b+c$ on the Heisenberg group: an $L^ 2$ approach.
Far East J. Appl. Math.,
15(3):353--363, 2004.
Analytic hypoellipticity for box_b + c on the heisenberg group: an l^2 approach.
In Far east journal of applied mathematics,
pages 353--363. Pushpa, 2004.
A class of sums of squares with a given Poisson-Treves stratification.
J. Geom. Anal.,
13(3):391--420, 2003.
Semi-global analytic regularity for $\overline\partial_ b$ on CR submanifolds of ${\bf C}^ 2$.
In Analysis, geometry, number theory: the mathematics of Leon Ehrenpreis (Philadelphia, PA, 1998),
pages 399--408. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000.
Analytic and Gevrey regularity for some model equations.
S\=urikaisekikenky\=usho K\=oky\=uroku,
1159:50--61, 2000.
On a conjecture of Treves: analytic hypoellipticity and Poisson strata.
Indiana Univ. Math. J.,
47(2):401--417, 1998.
Gevrey and analytic hypoellipticity.
In Microlocal analysis and spectral theory (Lucca, 1996),
pages 39--59. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1997.
Optimal non-isotropic Gevrey exponents for sums of squares of vector fields.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
22(7-8):1263--1282, 1997.
Propagation of Gevrey regularity for a class of hypoelliptic equations.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
348(7):2533--2575, 1996.
Global (And local) analyticity for second order operators constructed from rigid vector fields on products of tori.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
348(7):2577--2583, 1996.
Gevrey hypoellipticity for maximally hypoelliptic fourth order partial differential operators.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
20(1-2):309--314, 1995.
Microlocal analyticity for the canonical solution $\overline\partial_ b$ on some rigid weakly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in ${\bf C}^ 2$.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
20(9-10):1647--1667, 1995.
Microlocal analyticity for the canonical solution to $\overline\partial_ b$ on strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds of real dimension three.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
20(11-12):1871--1926, 1995.
Microlocal analyticity for $\square_ b$ in block-decoupled pseudoconvex domains.
Math. Z.,
220(4):477--493, 1995.
Local analyticity for the $\overline\partial$-Neumann problem in completely decoupled pseudoconvex domains.
J. Geom. Anal.,
3(2):141--151, 1993.
Global analyticity for $\square_ b$ on three-dimensional pseudoconvex CR manifolds.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
18(11):1847--1868, 1993.
Analyticité microlocale pour $\square_ b$ dans des domaines pseudoconvexes découplés.
217:6, 75--83, 1993.
Maximal and semi-maximal estimates for $\overline\partial_ b$ on pseudoconvex manifolds.
In Complex analysis (Wuppertal, 1991),
pages 315--323. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1991.
Local analyticity for the $\overline\partial$-Neumann problem and for $\square_ b$ in some model domains without maximal estimates.
In Several complex variables and complex geometry, Part 3 (Santa Cruz, CA, 1989),
pages 119--128. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991.
Local analyticity for the $\overline\partial$-Neumann problem and $\square_ b$---some model domains without maximal estimates.
Duke Math. J.,
64(2):377--402, 1991.
Analyticité locale pour le problème $\overline\partial$-Neumann en des points de faible pseudoconvexité.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math.,
306(10):429--432, 1988.
Local analyticity for $\square_ b$ and the $\overline\partial$-Neumann problem at certain weakly pseudoconvex points.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
13(12):1521--1600, 1988.
The real analytic and Gevrey regularity of the heat kernel for $\square_ b$.
In Pseudodifferential operators and applications (Notre Dame, Ind., 1984),
pages 247--259. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1985.
The heat equation for $\square_{b}$.
In Microlocal analysis (Boulder, Colo., 1983),
pages 65--73. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1984.
The heat equation for the $\bar \partial _{b}$-Laplacian.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
9(7):597--686, 1984.
Operators with multiple characteristics---an $L^{2}$ proof of analytic hypoellipticity.
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino,
Special Issue:251--282 (1984), 1983.
Analyticity of relative fundamental solutions and projections for left invariant operators on the Heisenberg group.
Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4),
15(3):419--440, 1982.
Inversion of analytic matrices and local solvability of some invariant differential operators on nilpotent Lie groups.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
6(6):625--650, 1981.
A survey of some recent results in $C^{\infty }$ and real analytic hypoellipticity for partial differential operators with applications to several complex variables.
In Recent developments in several complex variables (Proc. Conf., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J., 1979),
pages 393--411. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1981.
Hypoellipticité analytique pour des opérateurs à caractéristiques multiples---démonstration élementaire.
In Goulaouic-Meyer-Schwartz Seminar, 1980--1981,
pages Exp. No. XVIII bis, 14. École Polytech., Palaiseau, 1981.
Elementary proofs of analytic hypoellipticity for $ cm_{b}$ and the $\bar \partial $-Neumann problem.
In Analytic solutions of partial differential equations (Trento, 1981),
pages 85--116. Soc. Math. France, Paris, 1981.
The local real analyticity of solutions to $ cm_{b}$ and the $\bar \partial $-Neumann problem.
Acta Math.,
145(3-4):177--204, 1980.
Parametrices with $C^{\infty }$ error for $ cm_{b}$ and operators of Hörmander type.
In Partial differential equations and geometry (Proc. Conf., Park City, Utah, 1977),
pages 255--271. Dekker, New York, 1979.
Remarks on isolated degeneracies of the Levi form and the analytic hypoellipticity of $ cm_{b}$ and related partial differential operators.
In Harmonic analysis in Euclidean spaces (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1978), Part 2,
pages 85--89. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1979.
Local analytic hypoellipticity for $ cm_{b}$ on nondegenerate Cauchy-Riemann manifolds.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.,
75(7):3027--3028, 1978.
On the global real analyticity of solutions to $bxx _{b}$ on compact manifolds.
In Several complex variables (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXX, Part 1, Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1975),
pages 205--211. Amer. Math. Soc, Providence, R. I., 1977.
Sur la régularité locale des solutions du problème de Neumann pour $\overline \partial $.
In Journées sur les Fonctions Analytiques (Toulouse, 1976),
pages 207--216. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 578. Springer, Berlin, 1977.
On the local Gevrey and Quasi-analytic hypoellipticity of $\square _{b}$.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
2(7):699--712, 1977.
On the global real analyticity of solutions to $ cm_{b}$ on compact manifolds.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
1(4):283--311, 1976.
Local Gevrey and quasi-analytic hypoellipticity for $ cm_{b}$.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
82(5):740--742, 1976.
On the global real analyticity of solutions to the $\overline \partial $-Neumann problem.
Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
1(5):401--435, 1976.
Sur la régularité locale des solutions de l'équation $\square _{b}u=f$.
In Séminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz 1975/1976; Équations aux dérivées partielles et analyse fonctionnelle, Exp. No. 9,
pages 8. Centre Math., École Polytech., Palaiseau, 1976.
Régularité analytique globale des solutions du problème de Neumann pour l'opérateur $\overline \partial $.
In Séminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz 1975/1976: Équations aux dérivées partielles et analyse fonctionnelle, Exp. No. 4,
pages 12. Centre Math., École Polytech., Palaiseau, 1976.
Gevrey hypoellipticity for subelliptic boundary value problems.
In Global analysis and its applications, Vol. III (Lectures, Internat. Sem. Course, Internat. Centre Theoret. Phys., Trieste, 1972),
pages 185--193. Internat. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1974.
Gevrey hypoellipticity for subelliptic boundary value problems.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
26:251--312, 1973.
Boundary value problems for non-elliptic first order systems of pseudo-differential operators.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
25:533--567, 1972.
On the regularity of non-unique solutions of degenerate elliptic-parabolic systems of partial differential equations.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
24:763--788, 1971.
Regularity of solutions to boundary value problems for first order systems.
Indiana Univ. Math. J.,
21:1113--1129, 1971/72.