Publications of Gyorgy Turan
Commonsense knowledge bases and network analysis.
11th Int. Symp. on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, 6 pages. 2013.
Verbal IQ of a four year old achieved by an AI system.
11th Int. Symp. on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, 6 pages . 2013.
SOFSEM 2012: theory and practice of computer science, volume 7147 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
On multiple-instance learning of halfspaces.
Inform. Process. Lett.,
112(23):933--936, 2012.
Random Horn formulas and propagation connectivity for directed hypergraphs.
Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.,
14(2):29--35, 2012.
Hydras: directed hypergraphs and Horn formulas.
In Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science,
pages 237--248. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
Horn belief contraction: remainders, envelopes and complexity.
In 13th international Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
pages 7 . 2012.
Random Horn formulas and propagation connectivity for directed hypergraphs.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
14(2):29-36, 2012.
Hydra formulas and directed hypergraphs: a preliminary report.
In International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM 2012) ,
pages 7. 2012.
An approach to the evaluation of AI commonsense reasoning systems.
In Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium FLAIRS-25,
pages 4. 2012.
On multiple-instance learning of halfspaces.
Information Processing Letters,
112:933-936, 2012.
SOFSEM 2012 - 38th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, LNCS 7147.
Springer, 2012. Editors Preface, 3 pages.
Hydras: directed hypergraphs and Horn formulas.
38th Int. Workshop on Graph Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science, Springer LNCS 7551 (2012), 237-248. 2012.
Finding bipartite subgraphs efficiently.
Inform. Process. Lett.,
110(5):174--177, 2010.
Guest editors' foreword [Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2008)].
Theoret. Comput. Sci.,
411(29-30):2629--2631, 2010.
On approximate Horn formula minimization.
In Automata, languages and programming. Part I,
pages 438--450. Springer, Berlin, 2010.
Horn upper bounds and renaming.
J. Satisf. Boolean Model. Comput.,
7(1):1--15, 2010.
Optimizing genetic operator rates using a Markov chain model of genetic algorithms.
pages 721-728. 2010.
Learning Boolean functions with queries.
In Boolean models and methods in mathematics, computer science and engineering,
pages 221-256. Cambridge Univ. Press, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, 2010.
On evolvability: the swapping algorithm, product distributions, and covariance.
In Stochastic algorithms: foundations and applications,
pages 74--88. Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Combinatorial problems for Horn clauses.
In Graph theory, computational intelligence and thought,
pages 54--65. Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Projective DNF formulae and their revision.
Discrete Appl. Math.,
156(4):530--544, 2008.
Algorithmic learning theory, volume 5254 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer, Berlin, 2008.
Horn complements: towards horn-to-horn belief revision.
Proc. 23. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2008),466-471. 2008.
The inverse protein folding problem on 2D and 3D lattices.
Discrete Appl. Math.,
155(6-7):719--732, 2007.
Revising threshold functions.
Theoret. Comput. Sci.,
382(3):198--208, 2007.
On $K$-term DNF with the largest number of prime implicants.
SIAM J. Discrete Math.,
21(4):987--998, 2007.
Horn upper bounds and renaming.
In Theory and applications of satisfiability testing---SAT 2007,
pages 80--93. Springer, Berlin, 2007.
The DNF exception problem.
Theoret. Comput. Sci.,
352(1-3):85--96, 2006.
On set systems with a threshold property.
Discrete Math.,
306(23):3097--3111, 2006.
Horn upper bounds of random 3-cnf: a computational study.
In 9th int. symp. on ai and mathematics (Electronic proc.),
pages --. 2006.
Nearest neighbor representation of boolean functions.
In 9th int. symp. on ai and mathematics (Electr. proc.),
pages --. 2006.
On learning and logic.
In Learning theory: 19th annual conf. on learning theory (Colt 2006),
pages 2--3. Springer LNCS, 2006.
Remarks on learning and commonsense reasoning.
In Proc. workshop on learning with logic and logics for learning (Llll),
pages 1--1. Japanese Society for AI, 2006.
Theory revision with queries: results and problems.
In Proc. workshop on learning with logic and logics for learning,
pages 39--44. Japanese Soc. for AI, 2005.
Learnability and definability in trees and similar structures.
Theory Comput. Syst.,
37(1):193--220, 2004.
Theory revision with queries: Horn, read-once, and parity formulas.
Artificial Intelligence,
156(2):139--176, 2004.
New revision algorithms.
In Algorithmic learning theory,
pages 395--409. Springer, Berlin, 2004.
The protein sequence design problem in the canonical model on 2d and 3d lattices.
In 15. combinatorial pattern matching symp. (Cpm 2004),
pages 244--253. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004.
Knowledge discovery and learning.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
Learning logic programs with unary function graph background knowledge.
In Proc. 1st int. workshop on mining graphs, trees and sequences (Mgts 2003),
pages --. 2003.
Learnability and definability in trees and similar structures.
In STACS 2002,
pages 645--657. Springer, Berlin, 2002.
Theory revision with queries: dnf formulas.
Machine Learning,
47:257--295, 2002.
Learning logic programs with structured background knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence,
128(1-2):31--97, 2001.
On theory revision with queries.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Santa Cruz, CA, 1999),
pages 41--52 (electronic). ACM, New York, 1999.
On frequent sets of Boolean matrices.
Ann. Math. Artificial Intelligence,
24(1-4):193--209 (1999), 1998.
Learning atomic formulas with prescribed properties.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Madison, WI, 1998),
pages 166--174 (electronic). ACM, New York, 1998.
On the computation of Boolean functions by analog circuits of bounded fan-in.
J. Comput. System Sci.,
54(1, part 2):199--212, 1997.
Learning from incomplete boundary queries using split graphs and hypergraphs (Extended abstract).
In Computational learning theory (Jerusalem, 1997),
pages 38--50. Springer, Berlin, 1997.
Linear decision lists and partitioning algorithms for the construction of neural networks.
In Foundations of computational mathematics (Rio de Janeiro, 1997),
pages 414--423. Springer, Berlin, 1997.
A size-depth trade-off for the analog computation of Boolean functions.
Inform. Process. Lett.,
59(5):251--254, 1996.
On the complexity of planar Boolean circuits.
Comput. Complexity,
5(1):24--42, 1995.
How fast can a threshold gate learn?.
In Computational learning theory and natural learning systems, Vol. I,
pages 381--414. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994.
Threshold circuits of bounded depth.
J. Comput. System Sci.,
46(2):129--154, 1993.
Two tapes versus one for off-line Turing machines.
Comput. Complexity,
3(4):392--401, 1993.
The communication complexity of interval orders.
Discrete Appl. Math.,
40(1):19--28, 1992.
On linear decision trees computing Boolean functions.
In Automata, languages and programming (Madrid, 1991),
pages 707--718. Springer, Berlin, 1991.
A survey of some aspects of computational learning theory (Extended abstract).
In Fundamentals of computation theory (Gosen, 1991),
pages 89--103. Springer, Berlin, 1991.
Communication complexity.
In Computational graph theory,
pages 141--153. Springer, Vienna, 1990.
Static on-line decomposition of series-parallel and interval orders.
In XIII Symposium on Operations Research (Paderborn, 1988),
pages 197--203. Hain, Frankfurt am Main, 1990.
On the complexity of learning from counterexamples and membership queries.
In 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. I, II (St. Louis, MO, 1990),
pages 203--210. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.
On the performance of on-line algorithms for partition problems.
Acta Cybernet.,
9(2):107--119, 1989.
On restricted Boolean circuits.
In Fundamentals of computation theory (Szeged, 1989),
pages 460--469. Springer, New York, 1989.
Lower bounds for synchronous circuits and planar circuits.
Inform. Process. Lett.,
30(1):37--40, 1989.
Sorting and recognition problems for ordered sets.
SIAM J. Comput.,
17(1):100--113, 1988.
Resolution proofs of generalized pigeonhole principles.
Theoret. Comput. Sci.,
62(3):311--317, 1988.
On the complexity of interval orders and semiorders.
Discrete Math.,
63(2-3):131--141, 1987.
The complexity of defining a relation on a finite graph.
Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math.,
33(3):277--288, 1987.
On the complexity of cutting-plane proofs.
Discrete Appl. Math.,
18(1):25--38, 1987.
A lower bound for read-once-only branching programs.
J. Comput. System Sci.,
35(2):153--162, 1987.
Searching in trees, series-parallel and interval orders.
SIAM J. Comput.,
15(4):1075--1084, 1986.
Sorting and recognition problems for ordered sets.
In STACS 85 (Saarbrücken, 1985),
pages 109--118. Springer, Berlin, 1985.
Search problems in ordered sets.
In Operations research proceedings 1984 (St. Gallen, 1984),
pages 411--415. Springer, Berlin, 1985.
On the greedy algorithm for an edge-partitioning problem.
In Theory of algorithms (Pécs, 1984),
pages 405--423. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985.
On the definability of properties of finite graphs.
Discrete Math.,
49(3):291--302, 1984.
On the succinct representation of graphs.
Discrete Appl. Math.,
8(3):289--294, 1984.
The critical complexity of graph properties.
Inform. Process. Lett.,
18(3):151--153, 1984.
On the complexity of graph grammars.
Acta Cybernet.,
6(3):271--280, 1983.
Stack of pancakes.
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.,
13(1-2):133--137 (1981), 1978.
Current trends in algebra.
Mat. Lapok,
23:237--255 (1974), 1972.