Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Fall 2010

Usually meets Monday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 23
August 26
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Eric Zaslow
Ribbon Graphs and Mirror Symmetry
August 30
September 2
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Dawei Chen
Geometry of Teichmuller curves
September 6
No seminar
Labor Day
September 9
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Luca Scala
U. Chicago
Symmetric powers of tautological bundles on Hilbert schemes of points on a surface
September 13
September 17
(5:00 pm; SEO 636)
Yuri Tschinkel
K3 surfaces and their higher-dimensional analogs
September 20
September 21
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Lawrence Ein
Syzygies (Part 1)
September 23
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Lawrence Ein
Syzygies (Part 2)
September 27
September 28
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Marian Aprodu
Syzygies (Part 3)
September 30
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Marian Aprodu
Syzygies (Part 4)
October 4
October 5
(4:00 pm; SEO 712)
Marian Aprodu
Syzygies (Part 5)
October 11
October 14
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Sabin Cautis
Lie algebra actions on categories of coherent sheaves
October 18
October 19
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Vikram Mehta
Tata Institute
The Weak Density of the Fundamental Group Scheme
October 21
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Shihoko Ishii
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mather discrepancy and arc spaces
October 25
October 28
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Mircea Mustata
Valuations and invariants of sequences of ideals
November 1
November 4
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Tommaso de Fernex
A general framework on singularity
November 8
November 11
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Tom Nevins
Moduli spaces of points on some quantum varieties
November 15
(2:00 pm; SEO 1227)
Xiaotao Sun
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Minimal rational curves on moduli spaces of stable bundles
November 18
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Laura Matusevich
Texas A&M
Quotients of torus-equivariant D-modules
November 22
November 29
December 2
(4:00 pm; SEO 636)
Anthony Licata
Heisenberg algebras, Hilbert Schemes, and Graphical Categorifications
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