Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Spring 2013

Usually meets Monday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
January 14
January 21
No seminar
Martin Luther King Day
January 28
February 4
February 6
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Sug Woo Shin
Non-emptiness of Newton strata
February 11
February 13
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Mihnea Popa
Kodaira dimension and zeros of holomorphic one forms
February 18
February 19
(4:00 pm; SEO 1227)
Colleen Robles
Texas AM
Schubert varieties as variations of Hodge structure
February 20
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Melanie Wood
University of Wisconsin
Discriminants in the Grothendieck Ring
February 25
March 4
March 6
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Michael Greenblatt
An elementary local resolution of singularities method
March 11
March 13
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Dima Arinkin
University of Wisconsin
Autoduality of Jacobians for singular curves
March 18
March 20
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Ching-Jui Lai
Varieties fibered by good minimal models
March 25
No seminar
Spring Break
April 1
April 3
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Angela Gibney
University of Georgia
Conformal blocks divisors and strange identities
April 8
April 10
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Martin Olsson
UC Berkeley
Independence of $\ell$ and local terms
April 15
April 17
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Artie Prendergast-Smith
Fano manifolds of index n-1 and the cone conjecture
April 22
April 24
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Sam Grushevsky
SUNY Stony Brook
Meromorphic differentials and the geometry of moduli space of Riemann surfaces
April 29
May 1
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Jack Huizenga
Higher rank interpolation problems and Bridgeland stability
May 22
(4:00 pm; SEO 427)
Lars Halvard Halle
Motivic zeta functions and the monodromy conjecture for semi-abelian varieties
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