MATH Club - Fall 2022

Usually meets Monday at 1:00 pm in SEO 636.
August 22
August 29
September 5
No seminar
Labor Day
September 12
September 19
September 26
October 3
October 7
(2:00 pm; 612 SEO)
Mustafa Nawaz
UIC Student
Additive Combinatorics and the Green Tao Theorem
October 10
October 14
(2:00 pm; 612 SEO)
Karoline Durbin
Phase transitions: an introduction through percolation
October 17
October 21
(2:00 pm; 612 SEO)
Sung Min Lee
Constructing a non-integer dimension
October 24
October 31
November 7
November 11
(2:00 pm; 612 SEO)
Michael O'Leary
The Communication of Mathematical Theory
November 14
November 18
(2:00 pm; 612 SEO)
Christof Sparber
“What is the uncertainty principle?”
November 21
November 28
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