Departmental Colloquium - Spring 2012
Usually meets Friday at 3:00 pm in SEO 636.
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 9
David Treumann
Northwestern |
Mirror symmetry and constructible sheaves |
January 11
Gerard Awanou
Northern Illinois University |
New and Old Rectangular Mixed Finite Elements |
January 13
Robert Lipshitz
Columbia University |
An introduction to Khovanov homology and homotopy |
January 17
Kasra Rafi
University of Oklahoma |
Counting closed loops in a stratum of quadratic differentials |
January 18
Lev Reyzin
Georgia Institute of Technology |
The Complexity of Statistical Algorithms |
January 20
Isaac Goldbring
Nonstandard methods in Lie theory |
January 23
Toan Nguyen
Brown Univeirsty |
On the stability of boundary layers in the Navier-Stokes equationss |
January 27
(2:00 pm; SEO 636)
Xinwen Zhu
Harvard University |
Local models of Shimura varieties |
January 27
Jozef Przytycki
George Washington University |
Distributivity versus Associativity in Homology Theories |
January 30
Dima Sinapova
University of California at Irvine |
The singular cardinal problem |
February 1
Danijela Damjanović
Rice University |
Perturbations of group actions and cohomology |
February 3
Yiming Bao
National Center for Biotechnology Information |
February 10
Anna Mazzucato
Penn State University |
Boundary layers in incompressible fluid flow |
February 17
Peter Keevash
Queen Mary, University of London |
Matching and Packing |
February 24
March 2
Catharina Stroppel
University of Bonn |
Categorification of fractions via Euler characteristics |
March 9
March 16
Tom Bohman
Carnegie Mellon |
Dynamic Concentration for Combinatorial Stochastic Processes |
March 23
No seminar
Spring Break |
March 30
April 6
April 13
April 20
David Damanik
Rice University |
The Subshift Conjecture |
April 27
(3:00 pm; Lecture Center F6 )
William Stein
University of Washington, Seattle |
Elliptic Curves of ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{5})$ |