Logic Seminar - Spring 2025

Usually meets Tuesday at 4:00 pm in SEO 636.
January 14
January 21
January 23
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Christian d'Elbée
University of Leeds
Two cases of Wilson's conjecture for omega-categorical Lie algebras
January 28
February 4
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Kyle Gannon
Peking University
Model Theoretic Events
February 11
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
James Freitag
Binding groups for algebraic dynamics
February 18
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Matthew Harrison-Trainor
An Introduction to Infinitary Logic and Scott Analysis
February 25
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
John Baldwin
Categoricity, $\omega$-stability, and large models in $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$
March 4
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Ronnie Chen
University of Michigan
Étale structures in countable model theory and descriptive set theory
March 11
March 18
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Christine Eagles
A uniqueness condition for composition analyses
March 25
No seminar
Spring Break
April 1
(1:00 pm; 636 SEO)
Natasha Dobrinen
University of Notre Dame
Computability theoretic aspects of big Ramsey degrees
April 1
(2:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Denis Hirschfeldt
University of Chicago
Attractive and Dispersive Degrees
April 1
(4:00 pm; 636 SEO)
Andrew Marks
University of California Berkeley
The recursive compression method for proving incomputability results
April 8
April 15
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Anand Pillay
University of Notre Dame
Quasirandomness of definable subsets of definable groups in finite fields
April 22
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
James Hanson
Iowa State University
April 29
(3:30 pm; 636 SEO)
Nigel Pynn-Coates
University of Vienna
Differential-algebraic dimension in transserial tame pairs
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