Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Rita Saha Ray
Stat-Math Division, Indian Statistical Institute
Critical Sets in Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares
Abstract: A critical set consists of the minimum information needed to recreate a combinatorial structure uniquely. To date, very few results on critical sets for a set of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares [MOLS] are known. In the present talk, we consider k Mutually Orthogonal Cyclic Latin Squares of order n, n odd, and obtain bounds on the possible sizes of the minimal critical sets. For n = 7, we consider a complete set of MOLS and exhibit a minimal critical set, improving upon the bound reported in Keedwell (1997). The problem is also addressed for a pair of MOLS of odd order n, n ≥ 9. Critical sets achieving the proposed bound are obtained for n = 9 and 15. (This is a joint work with Avishek Adhikari and Jennifer Seberry)
Tea will be provided at 3:15pm.
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