Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar

Kari Ragnarsson
DePaul University
Encoding fusion in the double Burnside ring
Abstract: Fusion systems were introduced by Puig as generalized models for the p-local structure of a finite group. More concretely, a fusion system on a finite p-group S is a category whose objects are the subgroups of S, and whose morphism sets "look like" they are induced by conjugation in a group that has S as Sylow subgroup. Fusion systems are studied in algebra, where they arise naturally in block theory, and there is also an active research program in algebraic topology on developing and studying classifying spaces for fusion systems, resulting in the theory of p-local finite groups.
In this talk I will present recent work, partly joint with Radu Stancu, that gives a completely new way to look at fusion systems, via the double Burnside ring. More precisely every fusion system has a ``characteristic idempotent'' in the double Burnside ring, from which one can reconstruct the fusion system. Furthermore, characteristic idempotents are exactly those that satisfy a certain Frobenius reciprocity relation. Thus one obtains a very surprising bijection between fusion systems and idempotents satisfying Frobenius reciprocity. In addition to the immediate consequences for p-local finite groups, this result settles long-standing questions on the stable splitting of classifying spaces, and gives a generalized version of the Adams--Wilkerson theorem.
Joint with the Algebra seminar
Monday October 20, 2008 at 4:00 PM in SEO 712
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