Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Weiya Zhang
UIC, Statistics, MSCS
Estimation of a Normal Mean with Known CV
Abstract: Historically, this problem has been encountered in statistical quality control situations and has since been extensively studied in statistical literature on theory & applications. Notable contributors in this fascinating topic are Wolfowitz (AMS, 1957), Searls (1963, JASA1964), Hendricks (JASA, 1964), Khan (JASA, 1968), Azen & Reed (Technoterics, 1973), Gleser & Heely (JASA, 1976), Sen (BJ, 1979), Soofi & Gokhale (CSDA, 1991), Guo & Pal (CSAB, 2003), Chaturvedi & Tomer (Statistics, 2003) and Singh & Mathur (JSPI, 2005). Recently we came across a Review Article by Anis (2005). I will present the review article and supplement the study with some of our own research findings.
Tea, ...
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