Departmental Colloquium

Jerzy Filar
University of South Australia
Hamiltonian Cycles, Critical Parameters and Gröbner Bases
Abstract: Solutions of many of most important mathematical problems depend on values of one or more parameters. Sometimes, values of these parameters are known rather precisely, sometimes they are only rough estimates of true values and, interestingly, there are also important situations where previously ``missing" parameters can be inserted into a problem to aid its analysis. Furthermore, there are often situations when configurations of two or more parameters arise where the nature of solutions to the original problem changes qualitatively at these precise critical configurations. This presentation outlines two, seemingly separate, lines of research that are nonetheless connected by the underlying approach that focuses on the importance of understanding the behaviour of solutions to problems in neighbourhoods of critical values of parameters.
The first line considers the classical (NP-hard) problem of determining whether a given graph possesses a Hamiltonian cycle. Exploiting singularly perturbed controlled Markov chains and their fundamental matrices we reduce the problem to that of minimising the variability of the ``first return time" to the home node. The latter is a highly structured, non-convex, optimisation problem whose properties shed light on both the theoretical complexity of the problem and its algorithmic tractability. A recent innovation in this approach is the restriction to doubly stochastic Markov chains.
The second line considers a perturbed mathematical programming problem where both the objective and the constraint functions are polynomial in all underlying decision variables and in the perturbation parameter $\varepsilon.$ We study the behaviour of the solutions of such a perturbed problem as $\varepsilon \rightarrow 0.$ Though the solutions of mathematical programming problems are real, we consider the Kuhn-Tucker optimality system as a $1-$dimensional complex algebraic variety in a multi-dimensional complex space. We then use Buchberger's elimination algorithm of the Gröbner bases theory to replace the defining equations of the variety by its Gröbner basis, that has the property that one of its elements is bivariate, that is, a polynomial in $\varepsilon$ and only one of the decision variables.
We conclude by speculating that the above algebraic reduction procedure lends itself to the identification of critical parameter configurations in a wide range of mathematical models describing interactions between natural and human development processes.
Friday September 11, 2009 at 3:00 PM in SEO 636
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