Special Colloquium

Oleg Pikhurko
Carnegie Mellon University
Hypergraph Tur\'an Problem
Abstract: The Tur\'an function of a given $k$-graph (that is, a $k$-uniform set system) $F$ is the maximum number of edges in an $F$-free $k$-graph on $n$ vertices. This problem goes back to the fundamental paper of Tur\'an from 1941 who solved it for complete graphs. For an arbitrary graph $F$, the Turan problem is completely understood, if we are happy to tolerate additive error $o(n^2)$, by the celebrated Erd\H os-Stone-Simonovits Theorem.
Unfortunately, when we move to $k$-graphs with $k\ge 3$, then very few non-trivial instances of the problem have been solved. In particular, the problem of Tur\'an from 1941 (also a \$1000 question of Erd\H os) to determine the Tur\'an function of the tetrahedron is still open in spite of decades of active attempts.
In this talk we will survey some results and methods on the hypergraph Tur\'an problem. In particular, we describe the recent progress on the tetrahedrom problem obtained by Razborov using his flag algebra technique as well as the corresponding exact result by the speaker. Time permitting, we discuss the stability approach of Simonovits that greatly helps in converting asymptotic computations, such as those obtained via flag algebras or (hyper)graph limits, into exact results.
There will be tea before the talk in SE) 300 at 3:30.
Thursday December 3, 2009 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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