Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Prof. Fangfang Wang
The HYBRID GARCH Class of Models
Abstract: We propose a general GARCH framework that allows the use of different frequency returns to model conditional heteroskedasticity. We call the class of models High FrequencY Data-Based PRojectIon-Driven GARCH models as the GARCH dynamics are driven by what we call HYBRID processes. We study three broad classes of HYBRID processes: (1) parameter-free processes that are purely data-driven, (2) structural HYBRIDs where one assumes an underlying DGP for the high frequency data and finally (3) HYBRID filter processes. We develop the asymptotic theory of various estimators and study their properties in small samples via simulations.
This is joint work with Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Xilong Chen (SAS Institute Inc.).
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