Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Yuqing Tang
A Comparison Model for Measuring Individual Agreement via GEE Approach
Abstract: Evaluating individual agreement between different raters are often of interest in method comparison studies and in reliability studies. We propose a general comparison model and create a exible setting such that any subset of raters can be selected as test or reference raters and the individual agreement between them can be assessed. Two comparative agreement indices, the individual difference ratio (IDR) and within difference ratio (WDR), are proposed. IDR is a non-inferiority assessment such that the individual reading from different raters can not be inferior to the replicated readings within the same rater. When there is one test rater and one reference rater, our approach degenerates to FDA's method for evaluating individual bioequivalence under relative scale. WDR is a superiority assessment such that the precision of selected test raters can be better than that of selected reference raters. GEE approach is used for estimation and inference. Simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of our approach and the result shows that our method works well for both continuous data and categorical data.
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