Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Hongyuan Cao
University of Chicago
On Multiple Testing and the Monotone Likelihood Ratio Condition
Abstract: High-throughput screening has become an important mainstay for con- temporary biomedical research. A standard approach is to get p-values and adjust for multiple comparison in a manner that controls false discovery rate (FDR). The concavity of p-value distribution under the alternative has been a standard condition for developing many FDR procedures: Storey (2003), Genovese and Wasserman (2004), Kosorok and Ma (2007). A more general concept is the monotone likelihood ratio condition (MLRC) introduced in Sun and Cai (2007). We show in this paper that the concavity assumption can be violated for (i) a simple heteroscedastic normal mixture model and (ii) dependent tests. Some interesting implications, including different testing procedures (step-up vs step-down), the choice of test statistic and the power definition in multiple testing are discussed. This is joint work with Wenguang Sun and Michael R. Kosorok.
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