Logic Seminar

James Freitag
An Invariant of Difference Field Extensions
Abstract: This talk is a continuation of the past two talks on "The Structure of totally disconnected, locally compact groups" by G. Willis. In particular, we will talk about an application in the recent paper, "An invariant for difference field extensions." http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0902/0902.0844v3.pdf
We will warm up by discussing some classical invariants of difference field extensions. Then we will define the distance degree of a finite transcendence degree extension and explain what it has to do with the work G. Willis. If time permits, we will discuss results in the group theoretic setting suggested by results in the difference field setting.
Please note the later than usual starting time.
Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 4:30 PM in SEO 612
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