Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar

Steve Hurder
The topology and dynamics of the Kuperberg minimal set
Abstract: In 1993, Krystyna Kuperberg solved the smooth Seifert Conjecture, with the construction of a completely new type of "plug" for flows, that was used to trap periodic orbits of a given flow, and so removing them. The flow on the Kuperberg Plug generates a unique minimal set, and one of the open problems was whether it is possible to give a precise description of the topology and dynamical properties of this set. In this talk, we report on joint work with Ana Rechtman, in which a complete solution of this problem is obtained. I will review the construction of the Kuperberg example, then introduce the main results that characterize the minimal set as a "zippered lamination". Several consequences for the dynamics of the flow are then deduced.
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