Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Zhifan Zhang and Tu Xu
Latent Class Analysis and Regression Analysis in Health Care Market Research / Mulitcategory Probability Estimation via Quantile Kernel Regression
Abstract: (By Zhifan Zhang) Latent Class Analysis (LCA) is used to find groups or subtypes of cases in multivariate categorical data. In Health care Market Research, Latent Class Analysis is used in consumer segmentation to identify discriminating variables that would enable the development of differentiated segments of customers to inform post-Reform Strategies. In this talk, we will discuss the usage of Latent Class Analysis and Regression analysis in Health care Market Research. (By Tu Xu) Multiclass probability estimation is an very important problem in statistics and data mining. The traditional probability estimation problem is commonly dealt by regression techniques such as multiple logistic regression, or the density estimation approaches such as linear discriminant analysis(LDA) and quadratic discriminant analysis. In this talk,we propose a new model-free method for estimating multiclass probabilities based quantile kernel regrssion will be introduced. It does not impose any strong parametric assumption on the underlying distribution and can be applied for a wide range of large-margin classification methods. Our simulations show great performance of our method compared with existing methods.
Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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