Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Dr. Billy Franks
Astellas Pharma US
Investigating the Categories for Cholesterol and Blood Pressure for Risk Assessment of Death due to Coronary Heart Disease
Abstract: Many characteristics for predicting death due to coronary heart disease are measured on a continuous scale. These characteristics, however, are often categorized for clinical use. We suggest a systematic approach to determine the best categorizations of systolic blood pressure and cholesterol level for use in identifying individuals who are at high risk for death due to coronary heart disease. We also compare these data derived categories to those in common usage. A version of Classification And Regression Trees (CART) that can be applied to censored survival data will be used to identify categories in multiple data sets. The collection of categories will then be used to identify major cut-points, which are common in all of the data sets by using kernel density estimation.
There will be a Tea arround 3:15pm.
Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 3:30 PM in SEO 512
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