Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Juan Du
Kansas State University
Compactly Supported Multivariate Covariance Modeling with Application to Spatial Taper
Abstract: We derive several classes of covariance matrix functions whose entries are compactly supported. These compactly supported matrix functions are used as building blocks to formulate other covariance matrix functions for modeling of multivariate spatial processes. In particular, a multivariate version of the celebrated spherical model is produced, as well as a class of second-order multivariate stochastic processes whose direct and cross covariance functions are of Pólya type. On the other hand, by employing some of the proposed compactly supported correlation matrix functions as the tapering matrix function, we study the multivariate generalization of the spatial covariance tapering technique, which is useful to mitigate the numerical burdens in dealing with the large spatial data sets by making covariance matrices sparse. Simulation study is conducted to show the computational efficiency and application in spatial prediction by using proposed multivariate tapering technique.
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