Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Yan Sun, Ella Revzin
University of Illinois at Chicago
Yield Components and Growth Components Analysis for Soybeans // An Assessment of Mathematics Placement Policy Changes at UIC
Abstract: Yan Sun's Abstract: Soybean is an important crop in the US and around the world. So the analysis of soybean yield components as well as the growth components is always a hot topic in research. Our work originates from the requirement of a client and is based on the experiment data provided by him. The experiment has a split-split plot structure. Our task is to find significant factors for seed yield and protein concentration, which are both yield components. Also, we establish regression functions for some growth components (leaf area and leaf dry biomass) with respect to the growing time.
Ella Revzin's Abstract: In the Fall 2011, the University of Illinois at Chicago changed its mathematics placement policy. Instead of placing students based on ACT scores and results on written tests, the mathematics department switched to using an online testing and learning software, ALEKS. This talk will summarize the results from analyzing student outcomes after and before the policy change; as well as an assessment of how effective the ALEKS system was in placing students in selected undergraduate courses.
Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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