Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar

Carlo Petronio
University of Pisa
Abstract: Branched coverings between closed surfaces, or equivalently orbifold coverings between 2-orbifolds, naturally arise when one considers coverings between closed Seifert 3-manifolds. Using conjectural formulae of Martelli and the speaker, Seifert coverings can be used to investigate the behaviour of Matveev's complexity for 3-manifolds under general finite coverings. With this in mind, Pervova and the speaker have considered the very old problem, basically dating back to Hurwitz, of the existence of a branched covering between given closed surfaces with given branch data. Local compatibility and the Riemann-Hurwitz formula give necessary conditions for existence. Thanks to the work of several authors over the decades, these conditions are now known to be also sufficient, except for the case where the base surface is the sphere. In this case exceptions are known to exist, and the situation is far from understood. The talk will describe new infinite series both of existent coverings and of exceptions, including previously unknown exceptions with the covering surface not the sphere and with more than three branching points. All these series come with systematic explanations, based on three different techniques (dessins d'enfants, decomposability, graphs on surfaces) that Pervova and the speaker have exploited to attack the problem, besides Hurwitz's classical technique based on permutations.
Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 3:00 PM in SEO 427
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