Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Dr. Stephen G. Eick
VisTracks, Inc
How to be a Statistical Entrepreneur in a Data Rich Environment
Abstract: The next decade will be an ideal time to become a Statistical Entrepreneur. We are currently at the beginning edge of what will be a massive deployment of sensors, GPS-enabled smartphones, ubiquitous video, and all sorts of smart devices. This trend, often called "The Internet of Things," will involve devices which stream wireless real-time data back into cloud-based servers that will perform analytical calculations. For statisticians, we are entering a data rich environment while there will be tremendous need to create tools to analyze and make sense of this data.
After spending nearly 15 years working in academia and for big business, I became a Statistical Entrepreneur. I have been involved with 1⁄2 a dozen emerging growth analytics software companies would like to share some of my experiences. This is by far the best time that I have ever seen for statistical entrepreneurship.
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