Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Dr. Grace L. Yang
DMS/NSF & Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park
Correction for interarrival time distribution in the Estimation of Poisson Intensity
Abstract: Occurrence of dead time in recording instruments poses challenging problems in data acquisition, construction of stochastic models and statistical analysis. Well-known examples include the construction of probability models for a paralyzable counter (electron multiplier) and a nonparalyzable counter (e.g., Geiger counter). In this presentation, statistical analysis of recordings from Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI)is considered. PDI is a non-intrusive technique used to obtain information about spray characteristics in many areas of science, such as liquid fuel spray in combustion, spray coatings, fire suppression and pesticide dispensing. PDI can record the velocity of individual droplets in a spray. However, it will miss some of the droplets because of a recurring presence of dead time. The incompleteness of PDI recordings results in a multimodal interarrival time distribution of droplets. Modeling a spray process as a homogeneous Poisson process, we estimate the spray diffusion rate (Poisson intensity) with correction for dead time under various conditions. The asympotic distribution of the estimates is derived from a strict stationary process. Simulation produced a good agreement between our estimators (in the presence of dead time) and the MLE obtained without dead time. Experimental data from NIST are used for illustration.
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