Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Xin Fang
University of Illinois at Chicago (Statistics, MSCS)
Locally D-optimal Designs Based on Combined Emax Model and PK Compartmental Models
Abstract: Both pharmacodynamic (PD) Emax models and pharmacokinetic (PK) one-compartment models have been well studied and widely used in pharmaceutical industry to obtain the ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) and evaluate the efficiency of a drug candidate. However, the implementation of experimental designs on Emax models is difficult since concentrations of the drug in blood are uncontrollable. In this talk, two models that combine the PD and PK models are discussed to address this problem. With the current models, one can obtain better estimations of the parameters of the ADME and efficiency of a drug through implementing a locally D-optimal design. A class of robust designs is also investigated for comparison. Simulation results show that the robust designs have better statistical properties when sample size is large such as in clinical trial III, while the locally D-optimal designs are more proper when sample size is small as in clinical trials I & II.
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