Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Ryan Martin
Asymptotically minimax empirical Bayes estimation of a sparse normal mean vector
Abstract: Estimating a sparse high-dimensional normal mean vector is an important classical problem. In this talk, I will introduce a new empirical Bayes model based on a unique data-dependent prior. I will show that, under some conditions, our empirical Bayes posterior distribution concentrates on balls, centered at the true mean vector, with squared radius proportional to the frequentist minimax rate for the given sparsity class. This result provides some new insight concerning the fully Bayes approach to this same problem. Asymptotic minimaxity of the corresponding empirical Bayes posterior mean is shown, and a simple Gibbs sampling algorithm for computation will be discussed. Finally, two simulation studies will be presented, demonstrating the strong finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator against a variety of popular alternatives. (This is joint work with Stephen Walker at the University of Texas at Austin.)
Wednesday October 9, 2013 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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