Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Orsola Tommasi
Stable cohomology of toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varieties
Abstract: It is well known that the cohomology of the moduli space A_g of g-dimensional principally polarized abelian varieties stabilizes when the degree is smaller than g. This is a classical result of Borel on the stable cohomology of the symplectic group. By work of Charney and Lee, also the stable cohomology of the minimal compactification of Ag, the Satake compactification, is explicitly known. In this talk, we consider the stable cohomology of toroidal compactifications of A_g, concentrating on the perfect cone compactification and the matroidal partial compactification. We prove stability results for these compactifications and show that all stable cohomology is algebraic. This is joint work with S. Grushevsky and K. Hulek.
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