Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Prof. Yazhen Wang
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quantum Computation and Statistics
Abstract: Quantum computation and quantum information are of great current interest in computer science, mathematics, physical sciences and engineering. They will likely lead to a new wave of technological innovations in communication, computation and cryptography. As the theory of quantum physics is fundamentally stochastic, randomness and uncertainty are deeply rooted in quantum computation, quantum simulation and quantum information. Consequently quantum algorithms are random in nature, and quantum simulation utilizes Monte Carlo techniques extensively. Thus statistics can play an important role in quantum computation and quantum simulation, which in turn offer great potential to revolutionize computational statistics. This talk will give a brief review on quantum computation, quantum simulation and quantum information. I will first introduce the basic concepts of quantum computation and quantum simulation and then present my recent work on statistical analysis of quantum systems with applications to quantum computation and quantum simulation.
Wednesday February 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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