Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Professor Sanjib Basu
Northern Illinois University, Division of Statistics
Bayesian competing risks analysis of cancer survival data from the SEER program
Abstract: The rates of cancers, including age-adjusted mortality and incidence rates, depict a general increase over the last 30 years. These led some to question the success of the war on cancer. The rates of many other competing diseases, on the other hand, have declined. It has been hypothesized that this decline is somewhat responsible for the rise in cancer rates. We consider competing risks analysis of cancer survival data that considers the simultaneous risks of cancer as well as other causes. The cure rate survival models for cancer postulates a fraction of the patients to be cured from cancer. We propose a model that incorporates competing risks and, at the same time, allows a fraction of patients to be cured. We describe Bayesian analysis of this model, discuss both conceptual and methodological issues related to model building and model selection, and consider application in survival data for breast and prostate cancer patients in the SEER registries of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
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