Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Daniel Litt
Stanford University
Non-Abelian Lefschetz Hyperplane Theorems
Abstract: Work of Lefschetz (in 1924) and Grothendieck (in SGA II) provides many relationships between properties of a smooth projective variety X and an ample divisor D in X. For example, the singular or l-adic cohomology of X agrees with that of D in low degree; X and D have the same Picard group if X has dimension at least 4; and X and D have the same fundamental group if X has dimension at least 3. I'll describe a general result which encompasses some of these Lefschetz hyperplane theorems and many new ones, comparing maps out of X to maps out of D. The case when the target of these maps is a moduli scheme or stack is of particular interest; for example, one may take the target to be Mg, and thus compare families of curves over X to families over D.
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