Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Howard Nuer
Rutgers University
Towards the MMP of moduli spaces of sheaves on Enriques surfaces via Bridgeland stability
Abstract: Since the work of Arcara, Bertram, Coskun, and Huizenga on the application of Bridgeland stability conditions to the study of the birational geometry of $\mathbb{P}^{2[n]}$, there has been much progress in applying similar ideas to a Hassett-Keel-type approach to the study of the birational geometry of more general moduli spaces of sheaves on other surfaces. In this talk, I will discuss previous and ongoing work on the application of Bridgeland stability techniques to running the MMP (minimal model program) on moduli spaces of stable sheaves on an Enriques surface. As an application of the tools I discuss, I will describe the nef cone of the Hilbert scheme of points on an Enriques surface explicitly in terms of the classical geometry of the Enriques surface as well as give a modular description of the first minimal model.
Wednesday November 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM in SEO 427
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