Departmental Colloquium

Laszlo Babai
University of Chicago
The Abelian Sandpile Model
Abstract: In an unusual confluence of concepts emerging from a diverse set of areas about 15 years ago, the Abelian Sandpile Model offers a rich structure studied by communities in statistical physics, probability theory, algebraic combinatorics, theoretical computer science, discrete dynamical systems.
The process under consideration takes a connected graph, puts "grains of sand" on each "site" (node); when the "pile" at a site gets too tall, it "topples," passing a grain to each neighbor. One of the sites is a "sink;" it swallows all the grains that reach it. We repeat the process until the configuration stabilizes ("avalanche"). Then we add another grain at some site and start all over. The process was introduced in 1988 by Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld as a model of the phenomenon of "self-organized criticality" in statistical physics. The evolution of the system is a "visual feast" (Creutz, 1991); the images show largely unexplored fractal phenomena.
The study of this diffusion process has led to the assignment of algebraic structures to (rooted) graphs (Dhar, 1990): a commutative monoid (the "sandpile monoid") on the set of stable configurations; and an abelian group, the "sandpile group," on the important subset of "recurrent configurations." The sandpile group, which is the unique mimimal ideal of the sandpile monoid, is a particularly intriguing algebraic invariant of the graph. It is related to the lattice generated by the rows of the reduced Laplacian of the graph; and from this connection it follows that its order is the number of spanning trees of the graph, thus adding group structure to Kirchhoff's celebrated "matrix-tree theorem" (1848).
After a general introduction to the subject along the lines of joint work with Evelina Toumpakari, I will mention recent work on the "transience class" of a graph, i.e., the maximum number of grains that can be added to the empty configuration before it becomes recurrent. This number is also the nilpotence class of a related semigroup. While this number can be exponentially large compared to the size of the underlying graph, we prove that for the particularly interesting case of the square grid, it is polynomially bounded. This result is joint work with Igor Gorodezky.
Open problems of diverse nature arise; they involve statistics, dynamical systems, algebra, number theory, algorithms and computational complexity.
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