Special Colloquium

Ralph Kaufmann
University of Connecticut
Stringy K-theory
Abstract: We define a stringy K-theory for orbifolds/stacks. There are two versions of this construction. The first is for global quotients of a variety X by an action of a finite group G. The result is a rich algebra structure called a pre-G-Frobenius algebra. These algebras are in particular algebra objects in the braided monoidal category of D(k[G])-modules. The second construction works more generally for stacks, which are suitably "nice". It essentially yields a Frobenius algebra. The two versions of stringy K-theory are related by taking G invariants. The most important novel ingredient is the definition of a multiplication. This is governed by an obstruction bundle which can either be defined via moduli spaces or entirely in terms of representation theoretic data. The latter point of view makes the construction topological and hence applicable in the algebraic and the topological categories, i.e. to the Chow ring, K-theory, Cohomology and topological K-theory. We furthermore define Chern characters in the different settings which are ring homomorphisms.
The motivation for these constructions comes from physics (string theory and topological field theory with a finite gauge group), the crepant resolution conjecture and the classical work of Atiyah-Segal on equivariant K-theory.
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