Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Prof. Klaus Miescke
Statistical Auditing in Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Cases
Abstract: To estimate the total overpayment on a large number of paid claims, government agencies utilize extrapolation methods that are based on the audit results from a random sample of these claims. Although there is a variety of approaches that are reasonable and statistically valid, some play out better than others in the legal process. For example, the estimator of the total loss must be unbiased by fairness reasons. Using a biased estimator with a smaller MSE would be unacceptable. In this talk we describe the entire audit process, including possible objections from the other side and suggestions on how to respond to them. The theoretical part of the talk is based on W.G. Cochran (1977), Sampling Techniques, 3rd ed., Wiley, NY, and the rest on practical experience. It should be pointed out that it is the loss, not the fraud itself, that can be detected and estimated statistically.
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