Louise Hay Logic Seminar

Shehzad Ahmed
Ohio University
Jónsson Cardinals and Club Guessing
Abstract: We say that a cardinal $\lambda$ is a Jónsson cardinal if it satisfies the following weak Ramsey-type property: given any coloring $F:[\lambda]^{<\omega} \rightarrow \lambda$ of the finite subsets of $\lambda$ in $\lambda$-many colors, there exists a set $H \in [\lambda]^\lambda$ such that the range of $F \restriction [H]^{<\omega}$ is a proper subset of $\lambda$. One of the big driving forces present in early chapters Cardinal Arithmetic is an attempt to understand the combinatorial structure at and around Jónsson cardinals. The goal of this talk is to highlight the connection between Jónsson cardinals and various forms of club guessing, which can be thought of as weakenings of $\diamond$ principles. Our focus will be on what happens at successors of singulars, and I will attempt to explain why the following question is difficult: "Is it consistent that there exists a singular cardinal $\mu$ such that $\mu^+$ is Jónsson?"
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