Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Troy Hernandez
Sears Holdings Co.
Statisticians come in from the cold: BigQuery, R, and Shiny
Abstract: There's been a lot of hand-wringing over the fumbling of the statistics field in harnessing the popularity of data science and the "big data revolution". This was most famously addressed in the editorial from the previous ASA president Marie Davidian, ["Aren't We Data Science?"]( While I have to continue to inform peers and colleagues that R is indeed a Turing complete programming language (and not just a statistical computing environment), the data science hype has created technologies that enable any statistician get into the data science game; most notably Shiny, and cloud-based databases. My talk will focus on weaving these tools together in a way that allows statisticians to say, ["All your data science are belong to us."]( Additionally, I will provide an update on the issue of diversity in the tech industry from the frontline.
Wednesday February 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM in SEO 636
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