Departmental Colloquium

Lou Kauffman
Spin Networks, Quantum Topology and Topological Quantum Computing
Abstract: In the 1960's Roger Penrose discovered a remarkably lucid and fundamentally topological diagrammatic method for handling the mathematics of quantum particles with spin a multiple of 1/2. Calling this method "spin networks" he proposed to reconstruct space-time from a world of spin-exchange processes "pior" to space and time. Penrose proved a Spin-Geometry Theorem that reconstructed directions in a three-dimensional space from the abstract networks. SpaceTime remained a problem for the theory.
In the 1980's the speaker discovered a topological generalization of the Penrose spin networks that included a new knot invariant, the Jones polynomnial. One can construct these q-deformed spin nets on purely topological grounds, and they form models for topological quantum field theories and specific models for the colored Jones polynomials and the Witten-Reshetikhin Invariants of three manifolds. The q-deformed spin networks form a bridge between combinatorial and quantum field theoretic approaches to these invariants.
In the last few years Michael Freedman, Alexei Kitaev and their co-workers showed that quantum computing can, in principle, be universally performed within a topological quantum field theory. This means that certain topological quantum field theories have a rich enough structure to support unitary representations of the braid group that are dense in the unitary groups.
A quantum computer is a unitary transformation that can be applied to a prepared quantum state in such a way that measuring the result of the transformation yields computational or algorithmic information. In the 1990's Peter Shor showd that quantum computer's can factorize integers faster than classical algorithms.
This talk will explain how the q-deformed spin nets and the bracket model of the Jones polynomial provide a simple and accessible construction of unitary braid representations that are universal for quantum computation. We will begin with the Penrose spin nets, then generalize them to include the Jones polynomial, then construct the promised representations. We will then discuss how these representations are related to the dream of physically realized quantum computing via the possibilities inherent in the physics of two-dimensional media.
Friday March 9, 2007 at 3:00 PM in SEO 636
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