Statistics and Data Science Seminar

Professor Vijay Nair
University of Michigan
Statistical Inverse Problems in Network Tomography
Abstract: The term network tomography characterizes two classes of large-scale inverse problems that arise in the modeling and analysis of computer and communications networks. One class of problems deals with passive tomography where network traffic data are collected at the nodes, and the goal is to reconstruct origin-destination traffic patterns. The second one is active network tomography where the goal is to recover link-level quality of service parameters, such as packet loss rates and delay distributions, from end-to-end path-level measurements. Internet service providers use this to characterize network performance and to monitor service quality. This talk will provide an overview of the network application, the statistical inverse problems that arise, and some recent research in trying to address them with an emphasis on active tomography. This is joint work with George Michailidis, Earl Lawrence, Bowei Xi, and Xiaodong Yang.
Wednesday April 25, 2007 at 3:30 PM in SEO 712
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