Graduate Student Colloquium

Nathan Lopez
An Introduction to Teichmüller Space
Abstract: Consider a surface S of genus g>1 with n\geq 0 punctures. A crucial tool in the study of automorphisms of S is its Teichmüller Space \mathcal{T}(S), i.e., the space of isotopy classes of hyperbolic structures on S. My first goal in this talk is to explain what \mathcal{T}(S) is, examine its topology, and compute a few examples. Secondly, I'll provide some context and motivation for Teichmüller theory by giving a brief survey of the Dehn-Thurston classification and of Thurston's asymmetric metric on \mathcal{T}(S). To cover so much in just an hour, I'll focus less on rigor and more on intuition.
Monday October 17, 2016 at 1:00 PM in SEO 636
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